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Instagibage classic 1.02

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:18 pm
by 100hogs
Hello guys,

Finally I fixed some nasty bugs in InstagibageClassic and released it.
West coast ida server ( has it with UTComp together. Central iDA ( is running it without UTComp.

You can download it at

What does it do?

- Explosive gibage for Instagib SuperShock Rifle. No rag doll corpses, flying dead bodies, just plain gibage! 1st person playing death sequence remains the same.

- Teammate boosting is now visible. Mutator spawns shockbeam flare effect when you shoot at your teammate.

- Hit sound similar to UTPure hit sound in classic UT.

- Configurable settings that make game feel more like classic UT (AKA UT99): it can reduce size of players, disable "DoubleDodgeJump", "WallJump".

- Configurable strength of team boosting effect. In my opinion it's too strong in UT2k4 comparising with boosting in UT99 and boosting mutators for UT2k3.

- Increased ground speed (1.1 multiplier). Configurable and off by default.

IntagibageClassic is based on old mutator InstaBoostClassic I wrote for UT2k3.

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