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apology to odi

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:33 am
by Guest
I hereby offer my apologies to odi in public so everyone is aware of my shameful act and so that odi can see I will humiliate myself for him (yes...this is very gay). I thought it was Odi who kicked me from the ida demo server one time for a pretty common thing, and when I saw odi doing the same thing today I just lashed out at him. It so happens it wasn't him who kicked me. So I feel like an asshole!
Plz forgive me Odi! I still love ya! :D (yes...this is the peak of "gayism")

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:16 am
lol y were u so pissed at that ida vs eod scrim.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:22 am
by SteveO
A couple of the EoD members have a bad attitude about winning and losing... and a few of the members were caught cheating a while back and during the scrim it i believe it seemed that when Anti Tc wasn't on a few of them had some suspecious shots causing a few of us to think that somethin wasn't quite right...

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:24 am
by RefleX
Waddup SteveO. I wish I was there, I don't blame you guys about being suspicious... but I don't think EoD bots (anymore).

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:30 am
by Guest apology thread ruined by utk!

BTW reflex, I dont think you'd had that opinion if you actually played that game. We won 1 match with anti tcc, then anti tcc was turned off, and "somehow" a few eod members became the best players i have ever seen.

And I remember me and you caught an eod member with radar and/or bot. That member was playing on the match.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:33 am
by RefleX
Heh, you make a convincing argument. :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:26 pm
by KamiKaZe
you know i was pretty dissappointed in that scrim...

mostly due to your shit talking...and yes it came form both sides but you guys initiated it....

I ahve never seen a clan do that before and hopefully never again...

i know nothing of Eod's past and if u guys are going tot alk liek that you need to do it in private or on irc...if you guys were so worried about him playing you could ahve notified us before the match and we woulda tried to make any reasonable accomodations within our power....

i hope since u guys were having an "non-line party" that were slightly intoxicated and really didnt mena any of that....

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:30 pm
by 100hogs
Who was intoxicated? :shock: And how Odi could kick anybody from ida server if he does not have login? :spank:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:39 pm
by KamiKaZe
100hogs wrote:Who was intoxicated? :shock: And how Odi could kick anybody from ida server if he does not have login? :spank:
typed it wrong, meant to say i hope that u were intoxicated at the time of all that shit u said

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:50 pm
by 100hogs
KamiKaZe wrote: typed it wrong, meant to say i hope that u were intoxicated at the time of all that shit u said
I hope some time you had chance to play me when I'm really intoxicated. :P I remember once I took 1vsAll on Quake1 server Rocket Arena. That was awesome.

I guess you were playing for EOD at that scrim. Nobody really cares because you're lost in your own aliases. But I believe others who read this thread might be confused.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:52 pm
by KamiKaZe
100hogs wrote:
KamiKaZe wrote: typed it wrong, meant to say i hope that u were intoxicated at the time of all that shit u said
I hope some time you had chance to play me when I'm really intoxicated. :P
we did in that one pug....not sure if u remember but u were slurring your words...

it was hilarious

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:56 pm
by 100hogs
Now I really wonder who was intoxicated. Who was slurrying words? Me personally had fun playing my last game (and first in a month) and having fun with others on TS who did not have microphone.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:14 pm
by Guest
100hogs wrote:Who was intoxicated? :shock: And how Odi could kick anybody from ida server if he does not have login? :spank:
he does have login

And kamikaze, did you join eod? Or did you just play for eod that time? Not the smartest move to play for them, alias and not know "anything about their past".

and plz explain. Why do we need to talk behind people's backs? We are not that kind, at least not me.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:08 pm
by KamiKaZe
{iDA}Rookie wrote:
100hogs wrote:Who was intoxicated? :shock: And how Odi could kick anybody from ida server if he does not have login? :spank:
he does have login

And kamikaze, did you join eod? Or did you just play for eod that time? Not the smartest move to play for them, alias and not know "anything about their past".

and plz explain. Why do we need to talk behind people's backs? We are not that kind, at least not me.
no i meant it as in if u really thought that Eod was a bunch of botters tell us in irc or something not during a my opinion that was pretty rude...kind of poor sportsmanship to say we won because antitcc was not on.....

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:09 pm
by KamiKaZe
100hogs wrote:Now I really wonder who was intoxicated. Who was slurrying words? Me personally had fun playing my last game (and first in a month) and having fun with others on TS who did not have microphone.

there was a pug u joined and u were drunk...could barely undertsand u cause of the the wya u were talkin....