hello old friends, whats up?
I'm 16 now, different than the 11 year old you used to play with xD
I'm still in El Paso, Texas via hurricane katrina. I'm gonna stay here and finish off high school.
Only game I really play a lot of anymore is GunZ, which may be too fast paced for you old farts =P
But if any are interested in playing, I can give you a config setup that will take months away from the learning curve.
I just got out of the hospital and have been diagnosed with Chrone's disease. My fault for being jew and smoking too much pot.
I'm a junior in high school now, straight A's, and looking forward to college.
Thats whats up with me. If you want to contact me, http://www.myspace.com/unnessasery_roughness
I'm glad to see hogs trying hard to keep ida together, I do miss those pub(pug?) games. does 3day still play? I hope he isn't dead. He was the only one that truly respected me despite my age.
also, anyone know what happened to the MD people?
much love forever, my first online game UT 2004.
p.s. gunz has cleaned up it's act. it has a publisher now, and is much more steady. check it out, it is a great game when people are flying around and dropping each other with dual shotguns. http://gunz.ijji.com/
p.p.s also, i'm looking for a nice 20+ CRT, any suggestions?
Bionic says hi
I guess all CRT monitors that are still on the market are good enough for gaming. An year ago I was looking at reviews on CRT monitors good photography and basically each vendor had only one model selling still. One from Mitsubishi, one from Sony, one from Eizo and one from Iyama etc. I've heard that Mitsubishi and Sony were going to discontinue them.