I need your e-mail or PM to send you admin for the turbo server...
I'm not sure it's setup correctly, perhaps you can let me know what else I need to do...
I put alot of maps on there, please let me know what ones to remove/add... if you have some maps that you would like have installed, you can e-mail them to me at "junkcrapmail@cox.net"
Thanks Breeze
Hey Odd
Here's my MSN giorgiocosani@hotmail.com
Here's my email address hiro@haftvani.net
I'll check the server tonight and let you know. I have absolutely no idea regarding setup and preferences. On the other hand, Lunger, the founder of 44oz has extensive knowledge of the maps and preferences and runs 2 44oz turbo server if you are interested in communicating with him?
let me know.
Thanks Odd
Here's my MSN giorgiocosani@hotmail.com
Here's my email address hiro@haftvani.net
I'll check the server tonight and let you know. I have absolutely no idea regarding setup and preferences. On the other hand, Lunger, the founder of 44oz has extensive knowledge of the maps and preferences and runs 2 44oz turbo server if you are interested in communicating with him?
let me know.
Thanks Odd