Hey, I was banned from iDA demo server a while back, and thought i'd reqest an unban now that I found your site. I was playing under the name UTK Vicious. My ip address is:
Ummm... it was like a year ago but i think it was T-Bone, i was sniping and he told me to stop, and i did, then he banned me saying that i was doing it again, but whatever.... plz unbann me
LOL at that. Anyways T-bone is not an admin and never was. Maybe you were just chronic camping and the admin their saw. And decided to ban you. Anyways i dont see your ip in ban ip section. Are you sure thats your ip, or even sure if your ban.
Ok well then sry i thought it was T-Bone but whoever it was it was for camping... furthermore i tried to get into oldschool a second ago and i am banned from there too..... but i was unbanned from the demo server.....