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Post by s!n7 »

Because of your obviously religious comments. Go marry the pope or something you religious fanatic.

Well, you are just a place holder. I got something else to replace it. Just give me some time so I can change it.

I got a simple question, what's so wrong with zero ping? Today, I was playing a game and my ping went from the normal 54 to something in the eighties at random intervals during the game. At times, I had to lead half an inch ahead. Simple shots where the other player is flying through the air become a matter of guess work. Reflex shots lost all purpose, and I was upset when I one connected that should not have.

Most of the time someone can judge a players skill by their ping. I don't know whether I judge them based on their capacity to pick a server with a decent ping or their actual ping. But I know that someone with a ping in the 90s is either an exceptional player or a botter. Same applies to the converse, a player with a low ping who is not doing well is either new to the game or just messing around. You guys have more experience with the topic, so I will wait for the reasons.
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Post by 100hogs »

zp does not affect your ping. It's either something with server or your connection. Check it first. Long time ago we had flames zp vs nonzp. zp is a different type of game where shot is easy and you don't have to lead shot. It's like ut99 vs ut2k4 where the last one is spammier and hitbox is 2 times larger. It leads to different gametype and team strategy.
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