EoD Banned?
haha...how about XBREEZE vs all EOD on a full anti-tcc server? They wouldnt last a secbreeze wrote:Bring your bitching to a server....let's see who has the guts to see a screenie of yourself across all the clan boards
I got the talk and the walk:
Sign up here...
XBREEZE vs ????
Date and Time.
no demo fools.
"GOT Confidence?" ~breeze "Yes, come, let me rip you another asshole!"
i agree. This discussion will go nowhere. Waste of time.100hogs wrote:First, someone, be a man and use a nickname we know you by. Second, as far as I know somebody from EOD was caught botting on MD server and there's a demo with proves. So Rookie had all rights to say what he said. Third, we already discussed that. If somebody was mistakenly accused in botting, me and others ida'ers are sorry. Do you expect this duscussion go anywhere?Someone wrote:Reflex sitting here talking shit aobut how eod bots when he was caught botting? and if u dont believe me i have proof PM me and ill send it to u
lol i keep forgettin about this post. anyway, i have full but no connection at my home. im moving and "in between" isp's. whether u remember me or not its not like ive never been on full. i miss it im stuck using my school comps 4 now, even though im not aloud to
rookie ur delusional if u think i got spanked on md forums. if u use ur brain(hopefully not too much ) ud realize that u've made an ass out of urself enough times already. its a shame how literal u take some of my words. i guess u like me alot since u pay so much attention to me but sry im not into dudes.
hmmmm anything else ???
hint of the day(4 rookie): visit www.dictionary.com and type in humor. press enter and read. if thats too hard then visit this link http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=humor
good luck man
so was that u pink thong? aliasing as unstopable and askin to get in EoD? u bum
rookie ur delusional if u think i got spanked on md forums. if u use ur brain(hopefully not too much ) ud realize that u've made an ass out of urself enough times already. its a shame how literal u take some of my words. i guess u like me alot since u pay so much attention to me but sry im not into dudes.
hmmmm anything else ???
hint of the day(4 rookie): visit www.dictionary.com and type in humor. press enter and read. if thats too hard then visit this link http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=humor
good luck man
so was that u pink thong? aliasing as unstopable and askin to get in EoD? u bum
first of all, if ur gonna attempt to diss someone, at least try to use english language properly. Your ALOUD should be ALLOWED. But i guess this is expected from you. Second, plz dont give us that lame excuse again " duh, i have full but cant use it". It only makes u look bad. Third, go on believing that you didnt get spanked on md forums. I know md and i speak to them. I know they pity you, just like ida does and they were just laughing AT you on that thread not WITH you, even though you tried so hard. BUt sure, live in your little world. No one cares.DabbaDon wrote:lol i keep forgettin about this post. anyway, i have full but no connection at my home. im moving and "in between" isp's. whether u remember me or not its not like ive never been on full. i miss it im stuck using my school comps 4 now, even though im not aloud to
rookie ur delusional if u think i got spanked on md forums. if u use ur brain(hopefully not too much ) ud realize that u've made an ass out of urself enough times already. its a shame how literal u take some of my words. i guess u like me alot since u pay so much attention to me but sry im not into dudes.
hmmmm anything else ???
hint of the day(4 rookie): visit www.dictionary.com and type in humor. press enter and read. if thats too hard then visit this link http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=humor
good luck man
so was that u pink thong? aliasing as unstopable and askin to get in EoD? u bum
Finally, i think you are the one who should look up humor. Humor is really not acting like a baby and offending people. You already said on MD forums that you like to be an asshole to be funny.
well...i think u only succeed on being an asshole as it was made clear on md forums. Really man, there are many ways to be humorous. You cant suck so bad at it. You need to forget your kiddie humor and look for a more intelligent humor. But i guess intelligent doesnt go with you does it?DabbaDon wrote: and i like being an asshole to others to be funny dude