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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:22 am
by Tizzle
I miss arguing with you! :"""""""(
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:48 am
by 100hogs
Somehow I'm not missing that. Your flaming skills are not challenging.
What's up Tizzle?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:01 am
by Tizzle
Just looking to get some matches in during my winter break....You think there is any chance of having a decently active lg ladder? If you guys get back on and I find 4-5 people to get on the ladder, noc seems fairly active and as does ut and bRu. I know a lot of funkers have been playing as have a lot of FtP'ers. May be we could shorten the acceptance time or something of that sort to get more matches in?? I think that would be fun. At the least, we could have nightly scrims or something of the sort. Last weekend when I got back, it was pretty boring since pugs are dead and clan scrimming in lg is pretty much over so it was just demo/tst/bombing run the entire time. I think it would be good for the community too to get some clans in and going before 2k7 or else there doesn't seem like there will be much of an lg community in 2k7 (even though a bunch of old clans claim to be coming back). And mostly, I think it would be a ton of fun and since its winter break and holiday season, we could possibly get a strong showing. What do you guys think?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:31 am
by Guest
I think its gonna take some weeks before we join ogl ladder again. For now we are just sorting stuff out like getting people together, rebuilding, etc...So that we can actually have a consistent and stable team and clan this time. Hopefully we'll be able to do that. If not, f* it.
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:27 am
by Tizzle
Well joining the OGL ladder in a few weeks would be pretty useless since it is completely dead.....However, sparking some competition before you are in there with the people of your choosing could have a different outcome. If you don't want to go in there as "iDA", just pick 4 people to play with. Who knows, may be you could get more than one team from iDA =\
Anyways, I am just brainstorming and all this is a lot easier said than done. It is just too bad though that this community is so dead. I remember the "old" days (doesn't quite match Hogs' defn of old
) when it used to be so much more competitive and fun. RG can be fun and entertaining for a while and so can Face Classic, but there is nothing quite as fun as playing Phayce 3 or Thorns or Citadel 5v5 lg.
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:35 pm
by 100hogs
You're saying I'm too old?
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:31 am
by 3Day
I see what your saying tizzle, maybe get 6-8 guys to a "clan" it doesnt have to be a permanent clan thing just something to get on ogl with. Just some guys fraggin each other. You got 6 guys?
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:39 am
by Guest
Tizzle wrote:However, sparking some competition before you are in there
And by making public that we may join ogl again we are doing what?
Besides...Our objective was to make a consistent and commited clan. OGL is just extra.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:51 am
by Tizzle
3Day wrote:I see what your saying tizzle, maybe get 6-8 guys to a "clan" it doesnt have to be a permanent clan thing just something to get on ogl with. Just some guys fraggin each other. You got 6 guys?
I think I could get 6 guys together if I tried hard....It would be just a fun thing to do. UT is so addicting that even the old schoolers can't exactly quit it completely. There are actually quite a few players that are supposed to have "quit" that still play that I think would like something of this sort. I just feel sad every time I play UT now because of what it has become.... May be this is what we need to get our community going.
Rookie: Making public that you guys are gonna join the ladder doesn't do too much. There are 5 clans on the ladder at the moment and they are inactive as ever. You guys getting in there would barely make a difference seeing as how noc moved up through the ladder simply by getting forfeits.... I don't really see the point of having a clan if you aren't going to compete with it. I know your clannies are your good friends and all but you don't exactly have to be in a clan to be good friends. And if you are planning on competing, then OGL is pretty much your only means left for 2k4 lg.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:55 am
by Tizzle
100hogs wrote:You're saying I'm too old?
Killing two birds with one stone! WUWU~!!
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:57 am
by Guest
Tizzle wrote:
Rookie: Making public that you guys are gonna join the ladder doesn't do too much. There are 5 clans on the ladder at the moment and they are inactive as ever. You guys getting in there would barely make a difference seeing as how noc moved up through the ladder simply by getting forfeits....
Yea. But there are some active clans. If people see some action in the ladder people will start joining it. Even if just 2 clans keep playing each other, people will notice. And if we make it public, other clans certainly will want to join too. Just like you want it now.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:01 am
by Tizzle
2 clans playing each other wouldn't be too great....Eventually one will get tired and say F* it. Anyways I don't understand why you are so opposed to the idea. I am not really saying "get iDA and join the ladder". Just find 4 other guys to play with and join. It's just going to be a fun and competitive thing to do...
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:03 am
by Guest
Tizzle wrote:2 clans playing each other wouldn't be too great....Eventually one will get tired and say F* it. Anyways I don't understand why you are so opposed to the idea. I am not really saying "get iDA and join the ladder". Just find 4 other guys to play with and join. It's just going to be a fun and competitive thing to do...
And for me its not "eventually one will get tired", for me its "eventually other clans will join up"
errr? Im not opposed to the idea because that is actually what we were planning to do: getting iDA to join the ladder again.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:10 am
by Tizzle
Sigh...the offer still stands for the rest of you...
BTW does AK47 still play? I used to have some fun games with him before I went to sk00l and I didn't see him on last weekend...
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:14 am
by Guest
I dont understand. Why sigh?
We were going to get back to ogl, which is what you wanted in the first place.
ANyway...i dont think that will happen anymore due to some problems of our own.