Been reading a bit about overclocking USB ports to increase the sampling rate of mice (and hence slightly quicker reaction time) - does anyone use this for UT2004? Apparently you also need to edit the .ini file to increase the sampling rate after you overclock.
Just checking to see if anyone actually does this, and does it work?
anyone increase mouse sampling rate?
I tried and hated it... balrog used it for a long time. Not worth the hassle imho.
EDIT: Assuming you are talking about overclocking the USB rate... I also had problems with other USB devices when clocking USB at 500. So forget about it if you have external HDD enclosures, digital camera pictures to transfer, scanner, etc.
EDIT: Assuming you are talking about overclocking the USB rate... I also had problems with other USB devices when clocking USB at 500. So forget about it if you have external HDD enclosures, digital camera pictures to transfer, scanner, etc.
I think the default rate is 250. I overclocked mine to 500 - all attached USB peripherals working fine...except possibly my keyboard which has decided to start blinking it's lights randomnly - not sure if this is because of the overclock or not. My try reverting USB back to normal and see if this still occurs.