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Whats up?

Post by Menace »

What is everyone benn up 2 now a days? I was so close on buying Unreal Tournament 3 in ps3. Anyone know if its any good on that system at all?
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Post by 100hogs »

Hi Menace,

I don't own PS3 version, but I don't think it's much different than PC's except for controls of course. Essentially it's UT2k4 with better graphics and worse maps. :)

I've been to Yosemite through Merced yesterday btw.
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Post by bionic »

Going to college. Getting high. Studying. I spend more time outside than on the computer now. Though, I am going to school for computer science. Learning C++ finally. I always miss this gameplay. It was a lot of fun, and the custom maps were the shit.
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Post by 100hogs »

Hey Bionic,

Is C++ your first computer language? Congrats on graduation! :cheers:
Yeh, sadly enough there's no a substitute for UT. :( By the way, Duke Nukem and Bulletstorm both have instagib. But I've heard their multiplay sux.
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Post by 3Day »

Hi Hogs, Menace and bionic. wtf! I still got my login pw in my email. I bought UT3 years ago never installed it... still in the wrapper. bionic you are so right this game was the shit. Loved the music, adrenalen, stayin up late, even the fustrations. (ahem. maybe not all them) Havent played any game since I quit this one. Never liked the popular army games enough. I played Bigfish games with my kids tho! I been moving around midwest here n there decided to come back to California. Hated ruining my cars on them icy roads. Maybe Ill buy a decent puter and try installing ut3 after awhile.
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Post by 100hogs »

Hey 3Day!

Nice to see you again. So you're back to Cali already? Funny enough iDA's UT3 server is still up and running. :) So whenever you're ready to play, give me a haul. I've not played it in months too, but I do play TF2 occasionally. I believe you can find me as hogzie on steam. You don't have to install steam for UT3 (or any other UT game), but you can. It's a good way to stay in touch and see where your friends are playing.
TF2 gameplay:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfCiOzL7cYs :)
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